Ádám Rebeka Nóra – Bándi Melissa – Bárdi Nándor – Hunyadi Attila – Kelemen Fruzsina – Meister Róbert
Románia – Erdély – a romániai magyarság történetéről 1990–2015


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Hunyadi Attila Gábor: Collective and Communicative Narratives of Memory. National eponyms and Jubilees of Firms in the Economic History of Transylvania at the Turn of the 19th-20th century. In Orientation int he Occurence: proceedings of the interdisciplinary conference., Szerk. Berszán István, Komp-Press, Korunk, Románia, Cluj-Napoca, 2009, 107–120.

(c) Erdélyi Magyar Adatbank 1999-2025
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